Elevated WBC

Do you want to acquire basic information on Elevated WBC? Herein is a short informative article to guide you through.

First, elevated WBC simply refers to an increase in the leukocytes in the body of any living organism. That is, an increase in disease fighting cells circulating in the blood content. The other appropriate term for this is Leukocytosis.

The threshold for elevated white blood cells varies from one medical practice to another. In fact, count of 11,000 leukocytes in an adult microlitre of blood is considered an elevated white blood cell count. Normally, the threshold varies in children depending on 2 main factors (age and size).

Causes of elevated WBC

Several staff clinics personnel and doctors have come up with the main causes of the high white blood cell count. Some of the well established and proven causes include the following:

  1. Increase in the level of production of white blood cell in a normal attempt of fighting infections.
  2. Reaction to drugs taken that result in increase production of white blood cell.
  3. An immune system disorder that increases number of white blood cell production.
  4. A bone marrow disease that causes up-normally high production of white blood cell.

Specific causes

Besides the above mentioned causes there are more specific causes that lead to high production of white blood cell. Just to sample a few which includes:

Indeed, these causes are associated with this symptom. You need to book constant appointment and closely work with your doctor or any other professional in the field of healthcare so as to receive a reliable and very accurate diagnosis.

When to see a medical professional

Actually, high white blood cell is found when a medical professional has ordered test on your blood to help you diagnose the condition you are already suffering from. It is rarely just discovered by chance or unexpected finding.

You need to spare a good proportion of your time and talk to your health officer about what the obtained results actually means. High white blood cell count and relative results from other test may indicate the cause of your illness already.

Your doctor may suggest other related test to help further evaluate your condition.

Types of elevated WBC

This symptom exist in 5 main types:

  1. Monocytosis.
  2. Basopholia.
  3. Lymphocytosis.
  4. Eosinophilia.
  5. Neutrophilia.

Normally, increase in Leukocytes is accompanied by what medical practitioners calls left shift with a proportionate ration of mature to immature neutrophils when you are acutely ill patient. Amount of the immature leukocytes increase due to release of granulocyte, monocyte precursors and proliferation in our bone marrow. This disease is not a separate disease; it is just a laboratory finding.

Generally, elevated WBC is a disorder that actually needs immediate attention. In case you feel like the causes that I have listed above exist in the body then you should immediately consider meeting a medical practitioner instead of waiting for more severe effects. Remember your health is one of the top priorities in your daily living.

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