High White Blood Cell Count Symptoms

High white blood cell count is a condition that is not widely spoken about but that affects many people. Often, we hear of leukemia but rarely is the attention given to the counterpart leukocytosis which is a condition where an individual produced more than enough in fact too many disease fighting cells. Where white blood cells are more than eleven thousand in a millimeter of blood, all medical practitioners agree that this is too much in an adult. Leukemia which is often spoken about and widely know is actually thought to be one of the known causes of an increase in white blood cell count.

However, whereas in leukemia it is easy to determine when it is important to see a doctor with leukocytosis the decision can be slightly more difficult. Difficulty often arises in describing the symptom which vary from one individual to another and are not yet medically proven to be specific. It is possible to have a white blood cell count and yet who little if any symptoms. However there are times when the body is most likely to have an increased white blood cell production. These are the times to look out for and get tested for the condition.

When recovering from an infection, especially one that was viral or bacterial in nature, the body tends to develop an efficient production system for white blood cells. The result is that, one finds themselves with a higher than normal white blood cell count. In this case the cells are more positive than negative. Where a patient also has an immune system disorder, there is likely to be an increase in white blood cells resulting from the condition. In such cases, the patient is often tested for the white blood cells by the doctors. This are some of the conditions where symptoms of increased white blood cell production can be found.

There are also conditions which individuals and habits which are engaged in which encourage and increase the white blood cell count. These include smoking where the body produces extra white blood cells in an attempt to expel the foreign substances especially where such lodge themselves in the lungs and pulmonary system. Furthermore, where individuals are experiencing high levels of stress, the body begins to fight itself and conditions that come with the stress. In preparation therefore white blood cells are produced in plenty. In such cases, the increased production of white blood cells could make the individual to feel slightly ill.

A balanced production of white blood cells can be found through diets and exercise where the body begins to maintain a much healthier shape and outlook. Foods high in anti-oxidants and omega 3 help the body not only to maintain a healthy balance but also to expel the extra white blood cells. A diet that is high in sugar and also fat increases the white blood cell count. In this case, the individual begins to feel sickly and extremely tired often becoming fatigues even at early hours of the morning.