White blood cells or leukocytes play a very important role in keeping the body healthy and free from infection. It is the last line of defense of the body when the skin and other body parts have failed to keep allergen or bacteria from penetrating into the body. They move through the body looking for viruses, fungi and bacteria. When they spot any foreign organism, the attack and destroy it before it can get a chance to cause any damage to the body and cause disease. There are several types of white blood cells, each with different function and mode of attack. Some destroy the cells that are infected while others attack and destroy the organism causing the infection. Whichever way that they use, the ultimate goal is the same.
Given that the white blood cells' role is to attack and destroy disease causing organisms, many tend to think that having a slightly elevated white blood cell count is good. Well, this could not be further from the truth. A slightly elevated white blood cell count is not a problem in itself. It however does signify that there is an underlying problem that needs to be attended to. This problem may be such as trauma, allergy, inflammation, stress or infection. This is the reason a slightly elevated white blood cell count needs to be investigated further. As a matter of fact, if you have a high number of white blood cells, you should consult a doctor.
So how do you know that you have a high white blood cell count? Well, the only definite and accurate way to know is to get tested. People who have an elevated white blood cell count, have a condition that is referred to as leukocytosis. It normally does not have any symptoms and as such can go unnoticed. The specific amount of high leucocyte count varies from one lab to another. However, the general rule is that the count of white blood cells above 10,500 in a microliter of blood in grown-ups is considered as high while 4,500-10,500 is within the normal range. And given the fact that a high leucocyte count is a symptom of an underlying issue, you might experience symptoms that are associated to that problem. People with high count of leucocytes can experience a combination of bleeding, bruising, weight loss, fainting, fever and general pain.
There are a number of reason. The first being infections. As infection causing viruses or bacteria increase and multiply in the blood, the bone marrow produces more white blood cells to destroy the infection. The infection can cause inflammation which causes an increase in the leucocytes count.Leukemia, a kind of cancer can also send the numbers of white blood cells off the roof. The leukemic cells are not usually functional and increases the number of white blood cells.
Other causes of an elevated white blood cell cunt are such as immune system disorders, stress and smoking. The key point to remember is to always get tested the moment you suspect that the white blood cells are elevated.